Interaction with Maud Le Floc'h (Director and Founder of POLAU)
SEPTEMBER 28, 2019. Utsha Foundation of Contemporary Art, UNIT 6, VR-39, Bhubaneswar, Odisha
Maud Le Floc’h studied sciences of planning and territories management. For fifteen years now, she has introduced artistic approaches to urban fabric methods by establishing programs between artists, local authorities and planners. She initiated and curated different events “arts and cities” (Rayons Frais, Paris Quartier d’été)
From 2003 to 2006, Maud Le Floc’h developed her cross fertilization project “A mayor-an artist” through Mission Repérage(s) un élu – un artiste: in 13 French cities, she invited an elected politician and an artist for a talk, to cross their specific visions on the city, its development and future. The results and ideas-concepts were published in 2006 (Editions L’Entretemps).
In 2007, Maud Le Floc’h founded the POLAU-pôle arts & urbanisme, a resource institute (production, resources and experimentations) to promote and develop cultural planning (tools, mindsets and methodologies). She is currently associated on urban projects for the “Grand Paris” with architects (Jean Nouvel, Patrick Bouchain, Stéphane Lemoine, Raum, NeM, Patrick Henry…), for the City of Paris (Reconquête urbaine), Bagneux (Inventons la Métropole du Grand Paris) et Bagnolet (Design urbain pole Gallieni).